Join Us!
The membership year runs from September to August. A full year membership is $160. A half year membership is available in January for $100. A non-dancing membership is also avaliable for $45.
Membership includes:
Scottish country dance classes
The Branch Bulletin sent to your email address
Membership to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) headquartered in Scotland
Subscription to the RSCDS "The Scottish Country Dancer" magazine
Access to dancing with branches all over the world while travelling
Complete and submit the form below then send in your membership fee by
e-transfer to or
a cheque payable to RSCDS Ottawa Branch mailed to: Treasurer RSCDSOttawa, 1108–1025 RichmondRoad, Ottawa ON K2B8G8.
When you register let us know how you found us. If you were referred by a current member be sure to mention their name, they will receive a gift!
Note: This form is only for new member registration. For current members who are renewing, no form is required, just send your renewal fee to the Treasurer as noted above.